About Us

Pizza Night had its beginnings after we built our outdoor wood-fired brick oven. This magical oven has brought people together around food over 2 decades. In the past it was an event bringing hundreds of people a night. After Cornelius’ death in 2022, we scaled it back with a new model – by reservation with preorders. It continues to be a lot of fun for us and the guests! Our values have remained unchanged over time. We hold to quality ingredients from the crust up. As always, the base is sourdough organic spelt (with the exception of specialty pizzas), beef from the family farm, pickerel cheeks from Lake Winnipeg, fresh veggies from the garden when available, and Manitoba’s best – Bothwell cheese. We ask that you please preorder and pay online with debit or credit card. We use Square as our secure provider. Your preorder is your reservation. Consider ordering early as reservations are limited. If you have questions, by all means contact us by phone or email.
Pizza Night is a picnic on the farm. Make your picnic what you want it to be. Bring your family and friends. We provide tables, chairs and blankets. You are welcome to bring salads or other additions. Iced tea and water are available here. There are activities to enjoy while you are here. You can visit the poultry, sheep, cats (maybe kittens too!), take a garden walk, swing a while, or watch the kids in creative play in the playhouse.